News : FMNT
April 14 2023
Development of methods for characterization and modeling of complex media in the THz domain
PhD position 2023-2024 Development of methods for characterization and modeling of complex media in the THz domain 1- Context and scientific issues The terahertz (THz) domain is very promising for the detection of substances and materials [1], for security purposes [2], for non-destructive testing [3] but also for very high speed telecommunications […] >>
April 07 2023
Design and realization of a complete bio‑sourced RF transmitter chain
Thesis topic Title : Design and realization of a complete bio‑sourced RF transmitter chain Mots-clés : Electronique durable, Hyperfréquences, Electromagnétisme, Antenne active, Analyse de cycle de vie. Contexte : CISTEME, Centre de Resource Technique (CRT) spécialisé dans l’électronique RF et télécommunications, s’est positionné, depuis quelque temps, comme un acteur de la transition écologique dans son […] >>
April 03 2023
Design a serious game in microelectronics
Internship offer Design a serious game in microelectronics (M/F) Contexte : Dans le contexte de la transition socio-écologique, le nombre d’étudiants intéressés par l’électronique et plus particulièrement la microélectronique est très restreint. Cela se traduit dans les écoles d’ingénieurs, notamment à Grenoble INP – PHELMA, par un nombre limité d’élèves qui sont intéressées par les […] >>
March 27 2023
Arbitrary THz waveforms generator for Quantum Electronics applications
IMEP-LAHC, CNRS, Chambéry, France PhD open position in : Arbitrary THz waveforms generator for Quantum Electronics applications Context : The most recent developments in 2D electron gas (2DEG) electronic circuits make it possible to consider the demonstration of quantum electronic experiments in which an electron would behave like a photon propagating in a quantum […] >>
March 23 2023
Out-of-equilibrium body potential in Silicon-on-insulator: an original reading method for hybrid sustainable bio-chemical sensors
TITLE : Out-of-equilibrium body potential in Silicon-on-insulator: an original reading method for hybrid sustainable bio-chemical sensorsurables Deadline for application: 30th of Mai 2023 Beginning of contract: 1st of Oct. 2023 Place: IMEP – LAHC, MINATEC – INPG, 3, Parvis Louis Néel, 38016, Grenoble Advisor: Irina Ionica (Associate Professor Grenoble INP) Contact: +33 […] >>